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About This Site

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The Sonic Jukebox Sessions = A podcast about PBWolf's life and a Radio Show to make up for listening to PBWolf's life.

Call my listener feedback line to leave a message or secretly stalk me:


On My Nightstand

The Sonic Jukebox Sessions

Brooklyn Romance   Monday, June 30, 2008       musical chimes

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hi, how are you? - #1   Thursday, June 19, 2008       musical chimes

This is a first of many. I have a few raves and rants for this evening. i'll post them below.

Rave: Lasagna

Rave: Dance Parties

Rant: How is Fingersmith #16 and Loving Annabell #1 on Logo's The Click List?

Rave: PBS

Rant: Anything that has to do with David Beckham.

Are you still reading this blog?



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SonicTequilaCast VI - In The City   Monday, June 09, 2008       musical chimes

Hola Chicas!

Guess what? S:onthego and I recently made a podcast. It’s been about one year and a half but I think it was worth the wait.

Download/Listen to the cast:


- pb

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music & lyrics: re: stacks   Sunday, May 11, 2008       musical chimes

no other song has provoked such emotions as bon iver's 're: stacks'. the song wears me down but makes me happy at the same time. such a song like this should shared.

this my excavation to and today is kumran
Everything that happens is from now on
This is pouring rain
This is paralyzed

I keep throwing it down two-hundred at a time
It's hard to find it when you knew it
When your money's gone
And you're drunk as hell

On your back with your racks as the stacks as your load
In the back and the racks and the stacks are your load
In the back with your racks and you're un-stacking your load

I've twisting to the sun I needed to replace
The fountain in the front yard is rusted out
All my love was down
In a frozen ground

There's a black crow sitting across from me; his wiry legs are crossed
And he's dangling my keys he even fakes a toss
Whatever could it be
That has brought me to this loss?

On your back with your racks as the stacks as your load
In the back and the racks and the stacks of your load
In the back with your racks and you're un-stacking your load

This is not the sound of a new man or crispy realization
It's the sound of the unlocking and the lift away
Your love will be
Safe with me

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three things #10   Tuesday, April 22, 2008       musical chimes

three things:

1. earth Day was observed for the first time in 1970. hooray!

2. while listening to my local college radio station, on the way to work this morning, I had the following thoughts:

a. did they just actually play the indigo girls and k.d. lang back to back?

b. paula cole is making a comeback?

c. the breeders?!

So it seems that my local station became very gay friendly. I know Paula Cole does not play for the team but she sure got my attention after her Grammy Awards appearance. (Exhibit A - ) I gave up on listening to new Indigo Girls material years ago and I also gave up the idea of seeing them live. My concentration has moved onto another Atlanta, Georgia transplant.

3. by no means am I fashion-forward – my monthly intake of fashion consists of only the following: lucky magazine & nylon respectively – for the love of all things holy, why are there numerous amount of girls wearing tights as pants this spring? It wouldn’t be much of an eyesore if most of these girls wore long shirts but that hasn’t been the case.

until next time.


street spirit (fade out)   Wednesday, March 05, 2008       musical chimes

this is one of the best videos. ever.

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Two Things   Tuesday, February 05, 2008       musical chimes

1. Super Tuesday.
2. I opted for watching Battlestar Galactica Season 1 & 2 rather than partaking in Superbowl mania. I found out who won around 10:38pm when my neighbors yelled out the windows. "GOOOO Giants! Hell Yeah!" Today is a parade for the Giants. Several hundred people have already gathered and some might have forgotten other priorities.


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